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Advertising Dolls by Myra Yellin Outwater

Advertising Dolls by Myra Yellin Outwater

Regular price $26.96 USD
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Table of Contents

Dolls not only capture little girls' hearts, they've also managed to corner markets for mega-companies like W.K. Kellogg Company, Jolly Green Giant, and Campbell's. The author has scoured flea markets and auction houses and consumed cereals, candies, and innumerable hamburgers in order to compile one of the most complete collections of advertising dolls known to exist. This comprehensive book traces the emergence of dolls like Aunt Jemima and Betty Crocker, who leant their stamp of domestic credibility, and chronicles the extraordinary rise of figures like Ronald McDonald and the California Raisins, tiny figures which invaded homes and helped define American culture. Here is the nostalgic revisit of hundreds of advertising creations, like Uneeda Kid, Buddy Lee, Cracker Jack, Charlie Tuna, Burger King, and Trix the Rabbit. Each is shown with front and back details, and current values are listed providing the perfect reference tool for the collector.

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  • Advertising Dolls With Values

    Myra Yellin Outwater


  • Binding: Soft Cover

    Copyright: 1997

    Pages: 176

    Size: 8.5 x 11 in.

    Condition: New

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