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Schiffer Military

Suppliers to the Confederacy: English Arms and Accoutrements by Craig L. Barry & David C. Burt

Suppliers to the Confederacy: English Arms and Accoutrements by Craig L. Barry & David C. Burt

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Table of Contents

In this book researchers Craig Barry and David Burt provide a fresh look at the incredible impact the English had on supplying the Confederacy and its effect on the U.S. Civil War. New research includes the discovery of lost information on many of the commercial gun makers. The book also looks at all the implements and accoutrements issued with the Enfield rifle musket, including the cap pocket, pouch, ball bags and knapsacks; right down to the muzzle stopper. Each piece of equipment is examined in great detail and is accompanied by detailed photographs and discusses most of the patterns of British equipment carried by Confederate soldiers and how they were supposed to be used. The book also looks at how this equipment was purchase, from where and by whom, and how it was shipped over to the Confederate States.

Over 150 color/bw images

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  • Suppliers to the Confederacy: English Arms and Accoutrements

    Craig L. Barry & David C. Burt


  • Binding: Hard Cover

    Copyright: 2012

    Pages: 160

    Size: 6 x 9 in.

    Condition: New

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