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Collecting Edgar Rice Burroughs by Glenn Erardi

Collecting Edgar Rice Burroughs by Glenn Erardi

Regular price $26.96 USD
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Table of Contents

Edgar Rice Burroughs, science fiction author and creator of Tarzan, also wrote many novels featuring tales of other worlds, other cultures, other times. From pulp magazines to movie memorabilia, ERB collectibles can now be found at garage sales and upscale auction houses. Whether its a movie poster worth thousands of dollars, first edition books worth a few hundred, or the current crop of comics and toys, the range of collectibles grows weekly.

With over 255 full color photos, this book provides fans of ERB with an essential guide to the prolific works of this imaginative and popular author. Individual chapters highlight Burroughs' popular series on Mars, Venus, and Pellucidar, western and historical tales, and many more. Featured are pulp fiction magazines, hardcover and softcover books, comics, foreign editions, fanzines, trading cards, even toys and movie posters. Values are included for all items. ERB fans have a treat in store!

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  • Collecting Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Glenn Erardi


  • Binding: Soft Cover

    Copyright: 2000

    Pages: 144

    Size: 8.5 x 11 in.

    Condition: New

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