Catalog Excerpts of Early American Blacksmith Forges & Tools by Don Wilwol
Catalog Excerpts of Early American Blacksmith Forges & Tools by Don Wilwol
A reprint of the publication Catalogs Excerpts of the General Catalog of Buffalo Forge 1892, Illustrated Catalog of the Keystone Portable Forges, Champion Blower & Forge Co. 1907, The Novelty Portable Forges 1875, Empire Forges 1895, Acme Portable Forges 1896, Watson's Patent Portable Forges 1885, Iron City Tool Works 1920. Tool collectors use original catalogs to identify the vintage tools they find. Since the original catalog are sometimes difficult to find and an original copy of this publication is hard to find at a reasonable price, reprinted catalogs work well.
Catalog Excerpts of Early American Blacksmith Forges & Tools
Don Wilwol
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 2020
Pages: 216
Size: 8.5 x 11 in.
Condition: New
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