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Genealogical Publishing Co

Early Virginia Families Along the James River; Vol 2, Charles City County - Prince George County (Genealogy) by Louise Pledge Heath Foley

Early Virginia Families Along the James River; Vol 2, Charles City County - Prince George County (Genealogy) by Louise Pledge Heath Foley

Regular price $31.50 USD
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This volume -- the second in a series by Mrs. Foley designed to identify the earliest settlers of Virginia -- will assist the researcher in locating colonial and immigrant ancestors in Charles City County and in that part of Charles City County south of the James River from which Prince George County was formed in 1703. To this end Mrs. Foley abstracted the land records from the fourteen volumes of Patent Books for the hundred-year period 1632-1732, extracting all data falling within the focus of her project. Thus, the main body of the text consists of a chronological series of abstracts giving the name of the Charles City County or Prince George County patentee, the location and acreage of the patent and the date of settlement, with references to family members and owners of adjoining properties, and, most important, the names of the thousands of settlers brought over as headrights.

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  • Early Virginia Families Along the James River; Vol 2, Charles City County - Prince George County

    Louise Pledge Heath Foley


  • Binding: Soft Cover

    Copyright: 1978

    Pages: 202

    Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in.

    Condition: New

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