Germany's Tiger Tanks Series: Tigers at the Front: A Photo Study by Thomas L Jentz
Germany's Tiger Tanks Series: Tigers at the Front: A Photo Study by Thomas L Jentz
Tiger ! - the very name that Allied troops feared. It came to symbolize the superiority of German tank design. This book has been created as a photo essay showing the best available and rare photographs of Tigers with units at the front. No tank that the Allies fielded in World War II was comparable to this combination of the 88mm gun with massive armor protection. Allied tankers didn?t think that they stood a chance of defeating these formidable Tigers. They only hoped that these heavy tanks would breakdown, become immobilized in soft ground, or be damaged by lucky hits on vulnerable points.
Over 270 b/w photographs
Germany's Tiger Tanks Series Tigers at the Front: A Photo Study
Thomas L. Jentz
Binding: Hard Cover
Copyright: 2001
Pages: 208
Size: 8.5 x 11 in.
Condition: New
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