Historic American Spurs by Howard Crouch
Historic American Spurs by Howard Crouch
Written by well known 30 year relic hunter and collector Howard R. Crouch, Historic American Spurs illustrates and describes over 160 examples of these fascinating and important pieces of the horsemans equipment. Spurs of the colonist, the explorer and the fox hunter, spurs of the hard riding Union and Confederate Cavalry, the Indian War trooper, and spurs of the Western Cowboy all are shown in detailed photos. Concise and informative data including value is given on each spur along with full background on the history of all categories. This pioneering reference work is a must for the historian or collector of American militaria, the horseman, the antique dealer, and all of those interested in collecting and preserving these colorful and valuable pieces of Americas past.
Historic American Spurs: An Identification and Price Guide; A Study of All Types: Western, US Military, Conferderate, Civilian, Patents, Racing
Howard Crouch
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 1998
Pages: 94
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in
Condition: New
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