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Robert Porter

How To Make A Super Sensitive Micro Drill Press by Robert Porter

How To Make A Super Sensitive Micro Drill Press by Robert Porter

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This is a reference book intended for those who enjoy the hobby of clock & watch repair.

This simple and easy-to-make little drill press is designed to drill holes in the .004" to .032" (.1 to .8 mm) range, and also solves two problems common to drilling very small holes - namely, that an ordinary drill press is not sensitive enough for the operator to "feel" the cutting action of the drill. And, that the small drill does not turn fast enough to be as effective as it could be.

This drill press is very sensitive, and spins the drill in a range from 12,000 to 30,000 rpm with the recommended power supply. We also show how to make the micro drills, and how to make sure the spindle and drill are as concentric and axially aligned as we can make them. "X" and "Y" slides also provide a means to accurately position the work for drilling.

Although this micro drill press is designed with the watch and clock maker, model maker, or other highly skilled artisans needing a way to drill small holes in mind, it can easily be scaled up for larger work. Component sources are also listed.

You can make this little gem with a couple of pieces of aluminum bar stock from a hardware store, some 4-40 screws, and a few other off-the-shelf components.

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  • How To Make A Super Sensitive Micro Drill Press

    Robert D. Porter CMW

  • Binding: Soft Cover

    Copyright: 2007

    Pages: 40

    Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in.

    Condition: New

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