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Mike O'Donnell Publications

Civil War Sites and Scenes in Northern Virginia by Howard Crouch

Civil War Sites and Scenes in Northern Virginia by Howard Crouch

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An in-depth journey through time comparing photos taken during the civil war and their exact locations today. You get to compare the images and see how the development of modern society has changed the battlefield space and sacred grounds of the civil war.

The Civil War has been over for almost 140 years and it still captures the interest and imagination of most Americans. Across the East, many battlefields have been preserved for future generations. In Northern Virginia, where the war's opening battle of First Manassas was fought, many camp, battle, and skirmish areas have been lost to ever increasing development. During the war the area swarmed with reporters, field artists, and even such famous photographers as Matthew Brady who recorded many of the foregoing actions.

For the past twenty years the author has sought out these sites with camera in hand to record them as they had been in the Civil War era. Unfortunately, most of the sites are now gone, under housing developments, shopping centers and industrial parks. In this unique perspective, the author presents a fascinating array of then and now pictures, and vignettes of the historic events that occurred there.

See the sites made famous by Generals Robert E. Lee, Pierre Beauregard, Wade Hampton, Phil Kearny, Pete Longstreet, George B. McClellan, Irvin McDowell, John Pope, and Jeb Stuart.

Witness remote locations where guerrilla chieftain John Mosby of the 35th Battalion of Partisan Rangers and Elijah White of the ''Comanches'' operated.

See where famous personalities like President Abraham Lincoln, pioneering nurse Clara Barton, and abolitionist John Brown contributed forever to history.

Most importantly visit the sites where tl1e common soldier; of both North and South camped, built fortifications, skirmished in small actions, fought great battles; and sadly passed on to eternity.

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  • Civil War Sites and Scenes in Northern Virginia: A Vanishing Heritage

    Howard R. Crouch


  • Binding: Hard Cover

    Copyright: 2003

    Pages: 138

    Size: 8.75 x 11.25 in.

    Condition: New

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