The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 16: Shu-Stre by Robert A. Slade
The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 16: Shu-Stre by Robert A. Slade
Robert A. Slade, after collecting old fishing tackle since 1958 and contributing articles on old fishing lures for a collector magazine for several years started researching and writing books in the 1990's. He published the History & Collectible Fishing Tackle Of Wisconsin in 1999 which sold 4,500 copies. Bob realized that even though there have been many books published on the subject of old fishing lures that few books covered any detailed history on the old lure makers. His latest book writing project was nine years in the making and covers over 100 years of lure making history starting in 1875 and covers over 2,500 lures makers throughout all of North America. The Encyclopedia Of Old Fishing Lures Made In North America is the first publication with extensive history and patent information on old lure makers and the first to include extensive coverage on Canadian lure makers. The author traveled to 11 states and 3 Canadian Providences visiting collectors homes, newspaper archives, museums and other sources and has taken over 10,000 pictures in preparing the historical stories for these books. The set of books arranges for the individual and company lures makers to appear in alphabetical order. Each book has over 400 pages of text, pictures and collector values with each book containing a table of contents and index as well as a master index for the complete set of books.
- Shuff, William H.
- Shulean, W.W.
- Shuman Fishing Tackle
- Shumway's Tackle Co. / Hayward, Shumlures
- Shur-Luk Mfg. Corp.
- Shur-Lure Bait Co.
- Shur-Lure Tackle Co. / Shur-Lure Mfg. Co.
- Shurbite Artificial Bait Co. / Alexander Sisco-Shurebite / Shurebite Bait Co. / Shurebite Mfg. Co., Ltd., Shurebite, Inc. (1946-1949)
- Shure Hit Bait Co.
- Shurkatch Fishing Tackle Co., Inc.
- Shurley, Robert G.
- Side-Stepper Bait Co.
- Sieger, Joseph
- Signal Bait Co.
- Silver Creek Novelty Works / Schoenfeld- Gutter, Inc. / Moonlight Bait Co.
- Silver Hawk Bait Co.
- Silver Sniper Bait Co.
- Silver-Tip Lure Co.
- Simi &. Sons
- Simmons Bait Co.
- Simon, F.G.
- Simplomatic Mfg. Co.
- Simpton Lures
- Simulator Lure Co.
- Singer Tackle Co.
- Siren Life Action Fishing Lure Co.
- Siska Products Co.
- Skeeter Bait Co.
- Skelly Brothers
- Ski Bait Co. / B/V Mfg. Co.
- Skilton, T.S. / T.S. Skilton Si. Sons
- Skinner, G.M.
- Skinner, Henry E.
- Skinny Minny Lures
- Skip Bait Co.
- Skvor & Co.
- Skwarko Products
- Slack, Al
- Slater, E.R.
- Sleight Lures / Dick Sleight, Sr. Si. Bill Kahn / Sleight Bait Co.
- Sletten, Kermit
- Slominski, Edward Joseph
- Slough, Phillip
- Smallwood, Charles Ted
- Smith and Yelton Co.
- Smith Advertising Co.
- Smith Bait Co.
- Smith Brothers Hardware Co.
- Smith, B.G., Co.
- Smith-Wire Co.
- Smith, Ben, Lures, Inc./ Norwich Florida Corp.
- Smith, Benjamin O.
- Smith, Bob, Sporting Goods
- Smith, Charles C.
- Smith, Clarence J.
- Smith, John P.
- Smith, Dr. Roy Earle
- Smith, W.L.
- Smithcraft Products Co.
- Smithwick IS. Son / Smithwick Lures, Inc.
- Smokeys Bait Shop
- Smokin' Joe Ole Stogie
- Snag Hopper Lures
- Snag Proof Co.
- Snagless Sinker Co.
- Snapp, H.G., Specialties
- Snoddy Bait Co.
- Snyder, Joe
- Snyder, W.I.
- So-Co Baits
- Sobecki, Anthony J.
- Soma, Andrew
- Somerset Distributors / Heater Mfg. Co.
- Sonnies Fly Tying Kit
- Sonoho, Inc.
- Sorenson Bait Co.
- South Haven Plug Co.
- Souther, N.C., & Co.
- Southern Bait Co. / Southern Artificial Bait Co. / Southern Bait Co.
- Southern Lure Co.
- Southern States Tackle Co.
- Southwestern Fish Tackle Co.Southworth Fly Co.
- Sovis, P
- Spalding, A.G., & Brothers
- Spark Dart Co.
- Sparkling Products Co. / National Sportsman's Corp. / Sparkling Products Co. / H.A. Whittemore & Co., Inc.
- Sparkman, J.M.
- Sparks, Jack
- Spavin Lurey Tackle Co.
- Special Research Services
- Specialty Engineering, Inc. / Specialty Machines, Inc.
- Specialty Mfg. Co.
- Speed Cast Fishing Tackle Mfg.
- Spin Cast Lures Mfg. Co.
- Spin Lures Specialists
- Spin-A-Lure Mfg. Co.
- Spin-Lil Lure Co.
- Spin-Line Co.
- Spinhook Co.
- Spinner Specialties, Inc.
- Spinning Bucktail - Unknown
- Spinning Wheel Shop
- Spira-L-Ure
- Spiral Bait Co.
- Spiral Wind Fish Reel Co., Inc.
- Spischeck Co. / Miller Tackle Co.
- Splinter Brothers Fly Crafters
- Split Fish Lure Co.
- Splitter Bait Co.
- Spoofer Lures Co.
- Spoonplug Lures
- Sporket, Albert
- Sportackle
- Sportcrafters
- Sporting Industries
- Sports Development Co.
- Sports Liquidators
- Sportsland Mfg. Co. / International Mfg. Co. / Sportsland Mfg. Co.
- Sportsman's Bait & Supply Co.
- Sportsman's Distributing Co.
- Sportsman's Fishing Digest
- Sportsman's Products, Inc.
- Sportsman Specialties Co. / Powerline Tackle Sales / Wade Products Co.
- Spray, Louie
- Spread Eagle Mfg. Co.
- Springate Baits
- St. Claire, Ernie, Co.
- St. Croix Bait Co. / St. Croix Bait Co.
- St. Croix Rod / Johnson Brothers / Ed Johnson
- St. Germain I, Ernie
- St. Germain, Frank
- St. Lawrence Gang
- Stafford's Lures
- Stage, H.J.
- Staley Marine, Inc.
- Staley-Johnson Mfg. Co., Inc.
- Stambaugh Tackle Co.Stan-A-Wah Bait Co.
- Stance-Rite Co.
- Standard Bait Co.
- Standart Brothers, Ltd.
- Stanley, Henry D./ Manufactured by Stanley & Chapman
- Star Bait Co.
- Star Fish Lure Co.
- Star Lures
- Star Mfg. Co.
- Starkey, H.C.
- Ste Marie, G.R.
- Steel Fish Lure Co.
- Steel, Frank R., Inc.
- Steelstamp Corp.
- Steffey Mfg.
- Steger, W.H.
- Steiner, J., Co.
- Sterba, John / Jerry's Baits
- Sterling Bait Ss. Tackle
- Stettner, Anton, Lure Co.
- Steve-o-Reno Bait Co.
- Stevenson, J.E.
- Stevermer, F.J.
- Stewart, "Bud"
- Stewart, H.R., IS Co.
- Stewart, Lewis
- Stickrath, C.D.
- Stinger Tackle Co.
- Stitzel-Weller Distillery
- Stone Coal Tackle Co.
- Stone, H., Lures
- Storm Mfg. Co. / Aqua Sports, Inc. / Tubby Tackle Co.
- Strader, Capt. Jim, Inc. / Strader Tackle, Inc./ Capt. Jim Strader, Inc.
- Strausborger, O.L.
- Stream Line Products, Inc.
- Streamliner Stainless Steel Lures
- Streever, Fred S. / Frank's Zig-Glow Lures
- Streich Mfg. Co.
The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 16: Shu-Stre
Robert A. Slade
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 2011
Pages: 451
Size: 8.25 x 11 in.
Condition: New
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