The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 9: J-K by Robert A. Slade
The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 9: J-K by Robert A. Slade
Robert A. Slade, after collecting old fishing tackle since 1958 and contributing articles on old fishing lures for a collector magazine for several years started researching and writing books in the 1990's. He published the History & Collectible Fishing Tackle Of Wisconsin in 1999 which sold 4,500 copies. Bob realized that even though there have been many books published on the subject of old fishing lures that few books covered any detailed history on the old lure makers. His latest book writing project was nine years in the making and covers over 100 years of lure making history starting in 1875 and covers over 2,500 lures makers throughout all of North America. The Encyclopedia Of Old Fishing Lures Made In North America is the first publication with extensive history and patent information on old lure makers and the first to include extensive coverage on Canadian lure makers. The author traveled to 11 states and 3 Canadian Providences visiting collectors homes, newspaper archives, museums and other sources and has taken over 10,000 pictures in preparing the historical stories for these books. The set of books arranges for the individual and company lures makers to appear in alphabetical order. Each book has over 400 pages of text, pictures and collector values with each book containing a table of contents and index as well as a master index for the complete set of books.
- J & N Tackle Mfg. Corp.
- J & R Tackle Co. / Star Bait Co. / Bryan Mfg. Co.
- J J Mfg. Co.
- J.W.L. Co.
- Jack's Fish Lures
- Jack's Lures
- Jack's Mo Fish Lures
- Jack's Tackle Mfg. Co. / Jack Lasiter Tackle
- Jackrabbit Lures
- Jackson, R.E., & Co.
- Jacobs, Edward Lee
- Jacobsen, J., & Sons
- Jacoby Brothers
- Jak-ett Mfg. Co.
- Jake's Baits
- Jake's Tackle Work Shop
- James Brothers
- James, W.H.
- Jamison, William Co.
- Jarrett Bait Co.
- Jarvinen, E.
- Jasrvis Sporting Goods
- Jasper Enterpirses / Manufactured by Chris Handkramer
- Jaws Bait Co.
- Jay-Dee Bait Co.
- Jay's Mfg. Co.
- Jeffers Custom LuresJeffers Mfg. Co. / Jeffers & Bailey, Inc. / J & S Mfg. Co.
- Jemco Bait Co.
- Jenkins Fish Decoys
- Jennings Fishing Tackle Co.
- Jeros, J.T., Tackle Co., Inc.
- Jet Lures
- Jiffy-Kicker Bait Co.
- Jigger Fishing Lures
- Jim's Bait Box
- Jimmy Lures, Ltd.
- Joe-Bob Mfg. Co.
- Joe's Bait Shop
- John L Co. / John B. Barritt, Jr.
- John's Custom Flies
- John's Night Crawler Harness
- Johnson Bait Co.
- Johnson, Louis, Co.
- Johnson Lures, Ltd.
- Johnson Tackle Co., Inc.
- Johnson, Carl A.
- Johnson, Charlie, & Other Tennesse Lures
- Johnson, Job
- Johnson, Ole
- Johnston's, J.H.
- Jones, A.E.
- Jones, R.A. (Virginia Mines]
- Jordan, William M.
- Jorden Baits
- Jorgensen Famous Baits
- Jos. Tackle Shop
- Josefiak, Robert
- Joseph Hardware Co.
- Joy Bait Co.
- Judge's Bait Shop
- Julius, L.J. / Cooper Enterprises
- Jump'n Jack Topwater Lures
- Junior Samples Tackle Co.
- Junod, P., & Co. / Junod Artificial Bait Co.
- K & E Tackle, Inc.
- K & K Mfg. Co.
- K & L Products
- K & M Tackle Co.
- K & S Lures
- K-C Mfg. Co.
- K-L Co. / Mercury Worm Lure Co.
- Kaby Lodge
- Kaku Lures
- Kala Lures
- Kalamazoo Fishing Tackle Co.
- Kalamazoo Fishing Tackle Mfg.
- Kaluzniak, Peter
- Kalvig, L.J., & Co., Inc.
- Kant-Lash (Div. of Continental Cashand) / Tepker Thriller
- Kasta Corp.
- Kaste Bait Co.
- Kaste, Stan
- Katch King Lures / Hank Roberts / Conrad Co.
- Katchmore Bait Co.
- Kaufman Mfg. Co. / Peters Bait Co. / Henry A. Kiest Mfg. Co.
- Kaufman, A.H., & Co. (Distributor)
- Kaufman, Harry C.
- Kausch, Charles / Petty Brothers Mfg. Co. / Great Lakes Lure Co.
- Kautenberg, W.E., Co.
- Kautzky Sporting Goods, Inc. / Kautzky Mfg. Co. / Lazy Ike Corp.
- Kayan Vee Enterprises
- Ke-Ad Bait Co.
- Keating Advance Corp. / Keating Mfg. Co.
- Keeler, R.L.
- Keeling Bait & Tackle Co. / Fred C. Keeling
- Keen Bait Mfg. Co.
- Keeper Bait Co.
- Keller Laboratories
- Keller Weedless Baits / Keller Mfg.
- Kelley Bait Co.
- Keliman, Charles C.
- Kelter, Hobie
- Kemp Mfg. Co., Ltd.
- Ken's Custom Lures
- Kenco Plastics
- Kenlure Baits
- Kenny Tackle Co.
- Kent, Frank A.
- Kentucky Bait Co.
- Kenyon, B.C. / William Shakespeare Co.
- Kepler, Don, Mfg. Co.
- Kern & Henne Fly Co.
- Kessler Sales & Mfg. Co.
- Kessler, Louis
- Ketchum, W.R., Mfg.
- Kewell-Stewart
- Key, Clyde E.
- Keys & Jones Mfg. Co.
- Khoenle, H.F.
- Ki-Bark Lure Co.
- Kiel Wooden Ware Co.
- Kil-Lures
- Kilpinen & Morris
- Kimble Tackle Co. / Kimble, Roy L., & Sons Bait Co.
- Kimma Tackle
- Kimmich Bait Co.
- Kimmik Co.
- King Bait Co. (Minnesota)
- King Bait Co. (Wisconsin)
- King Gem Co.
- King Spiral Co. / Junker Sales Co.
- King, Carl
- King, W.E.
- Kingman Tackle
- Kinney, H.A. / Old Hickory Tackle Co. / Old Hickory Rod IS Tackle Co.
- Kinnickinnic Tackle Co.
- Kirwin, M.F.
- Kismet Mfg. Co.
- Kissich Co.
- Kitchen Sink Lure Makers:
- C & M Bait Co.
- Jo Dee Chain-O Novelty Co.
- K-S Co. / K-S Mfg. Co.
- San Michell's Novelties & Lures
- Lutito Lure & Novelty Co.
- Kittle, David McKarn
- Kiva Products, Inc.
- Knee Action Fishing Tackle Co.
- Kent, Wayne, Lures / Knight Fishing Lure Co. / Knight Mfg. Co. / Creme Lure Co.
- Knight, John Alden
- Knight's Novel-Lure
- Knowles, S.E.
- Knox-Allston
- Koepke Lure Co.
- Kohler & Todd Lures
- Koller, J.J.
- Koser Mfg. Co.
- Kostielny Bait Co. / Leo Buholz
- Kramer Products Co. / Schlitz Novelty Co.
- Kreher-Kraft Lunker Lures
- Kridler, Phillip W.
- Kriger-Riggs Tackle Co. / Dragnetter Tackle Co.
- Krizenesky Brothers
- Krystock, Walter
- KSW-Scooter Baits
- Kuhl, R.H., Spoons
- Kuismi, Gus, Lures / Finn Bait Co.
- Kumm, Arthur J. / Kumm Tackle Co. / K.C. Tackle Co.
- Kurtis Katch-All
- Kurz Brothers Co.
- Kushner Tackle Co.
- Kuslich, John S.
- Kuss Machine Tool & Die Co.
- Kut Rite Mfg. Co.
- Kwickfish, Ltd.
- Kwiki Bait Co. / Interchangeable Lure Co.
- Kyper's Vee-Lures
The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Volume 9: J-K
Robert A. Slade
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 2011
Pages: 435
Size: 8.25 x 11 in.
Condition: New
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