Pioneer Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky (Genealogy) by William Kozee
Pioneer Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky (Genealogy) by William Kozee
This work, which treats the same area as Kozee's Early Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky (see Item 3265), is largely a sourcebook of genealogical data, rather than a collection of family histories. Genealogical information on each county is uniform and is arranged in the following manner: first is given the boundary and establishment by law of each county; next, a synopsis of the earliest court records pertaining to the county; then, often a list of pioneer families according to the 1810 federal census and various county tax lists--alphabetically arranged by head of household; and finally, and of greatest importance to the researcher, marriage records of various southeastern Kentucky counties. Additional sections of interest include lists of Revolutionary, War of 1812, and Civil War soldiers.
Pioneer Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky
William C. Kozee
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 1957
Pages: 272
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in.
Condition: New
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