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Rare Imperial Glass Patterns (Identification) by Myrna Garrison

Rare Imperial Glass Patterns (Identification) by Myrna Garrison

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Table of Contents

The Imperial Glass Company produced a wide range of beautiful glassware in many patterns and forms from 1901 to 1984. A thorough text and over 540 beautiful photos explore the many patterns, unique items, art glass pieces, private mould objects, wares made for customers to alter or decorate, and the glassware made in non-production colors that were produced by this prolific firm. Among the patterns displayed are Washington, New Rochelle, Pillar Flute, Laced Edge, Empire, Hobnail, Monticello, Cathay, "Molly," and "Zippered Heart."

The text provides a brief history of Imperial, discussions of the firm's patterns, wares, the companies that contracted with Imperial for special items, and a detailed bibliography. Prices for the wares displayed are found in the captions. This book will be a treasure for everyone who appreciates beautiful glassware.

542 color photos

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  • Rare Imperial Glass Patterns, With Price Guide

    Myrna Garrison


  • Binding: Soft Cover

    Copyright: 2008

    Pages: 160

    Size: 8.5 x 11 in.

    Condition: New

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