Rock Island Rifle Model 1903 (Rock Island Arsenal) by CS Ferris
Rock Island Rifle Model 1903 (Rock Island Arsenal) by CS Ferris
Collector Bookstore Notes:
This book provides the collector of the Rock Island Arsenal Model 1903 rifle with detailed information that was previously unavailable.
Publishers Description:
This book provides both the beginning and advanced collector of the Rock Island Arsenal Model 1903 rifle with a depth of information heretofore unavailable. The standard reference works on the M1903 include little detailed information specific to the R.I.A. '03, while this book is devoted to the Rock Island Arsenal Model 1903 rifle. Examined in depth are all aspects of this most interesting '03 variant. In order to identify the differences between the Rock Island and Springfield '03 rifles, details on both are examined. Therefore, the Springfield '03 collector will also derive benefit from this book.
Chapters are devoted to the history of Rock Island Arsenal, its first M1903 rifle production period (1904-1913), early alterations, its second rifle production period (World War I), post-War events, barrel date/serial number correlation, production numbers, the 1919 National Match rifles, final inspectors (cartouches), bayonets, scabbards, slings, marksmanship badges, and the Rock Island Arsenal Museum. 121 photographs and drawings.
Rock Island Rifle Model 1903
C.S. Ferris
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 2001
Pages: 178
Size: 6 x 9 in.
Condition: New
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