Soldat Vol 5 (WWII German Panzerkorps Uniform) by Cyrus Lee
Soldat Vol 5 (WWII German Panzerkorps Uniform) by Cyrus Lee
SOLDAT is designed as a handbook for the collector of German Army combat uniforms, equipment and weapons. Uniforms and Insignia of Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland is the first SOLDAT to deal with a specific German Army organization. This SOLDAT provides the reader with unique insights into this elite German Army fighting formation.
Through detailed, current, black and white photos the collector, modeler, and historian can view the progression of uniforms and insignia used and worn by Grossdeutschland throughout the war. The text details how the uniforms and insignia applied to and were used by the soldiers of Grossdeutschland.
Color photos provide the hobbyist with the exact information required for research of the color details of uniforms and insignia.
Der alte Hase provides insight into the life and times of the "Grossdeutschen."
Uniforms and Insignia of Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland is a perfect first book for the collector, the modeler, or historian who is interested in the German combat soldiers of World War II . When combined with other SOLDAT volumes, this book provides a very inclusive reference set that spans the years of German involvement in the Second World War.
Soldat Vol 5: The World War II German Army Combat Uniform Collector's Handbook
Cyrus Lee
Binding: Soft Cover
Copyright: 1993
Pages: 222
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in.
Condition: New
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