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The Standard Knife Collector's Guide, 6th Ed by Ron Stewart

The Standard Knife Collector's Guide, 6th Ed by Ron Stewart

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Table of Contents

This book lists literally hundreds of manufacturers of cutlery from all over the world. Old as well as new brands are included. The easy-to-use format allows the collector to become an expert in evaluating or appraising knives by using the RBR evaluation scales. There are overviews describing the histories of major knife companies, a section on commemoratives and limited editions, clubs and organizations, numbering systems, and a section on identifying knife patterns. The handle materials section contains full-color photographs showcasing the variety of handle materials used in the manufacture of knives. This book is a must for the experienced as well as the new knife collector. A thorough pricing update and an expansion of the RBR scales are highlights of this sixth edition.

This is a remaindered book which has been discounted, due to either publisher overstock or to minor cosmetic damage. From inside cover: This book has been sold by the publisher / distributor at a reduced wholesale price for one of the following reasons: shipping damage, new edition has been released, out of print, too few available to advertise.

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  • The Standard Knife Collector's Guide 6th Edition

    Ron Stewart


  • Binding: Soft Cover

    Copyright: 2009

    Pages: 752

    Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in.

    Condition: Overstock

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