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Historical Enterprises LLC

Tidings From the 18th Century by Beth Gilgun

Tidings From the 18th Century by Beth Gilgun

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Table of Contents

Includes lots of photos, as well as pattern layouts for Colonial era costumes for both men and women, along with notes on the specific uses of each piece of clothing.

  • Basic Sewing: stitches, Seams, Embroidery, Needlework, Fabrics
  • Womens Clothing: Fashionable, Basic, Jumps, Jacket, Petticoat, Cloaks, Capes
  • Mens Clothing: Fashionable, Common, Shirt, Knee Breeches, Waistcoats, Hunting Shirts
  • Childrens Clothing: Girls, Small Children, Toddlers, Boys
  • Accessories: Hats, Fashionable Calash, Womens Shoes, Pocketbook, Jewelry
  • Keeping House: Kitchware, Bedsteads, Bedding, Basket Weaving, Making Soap, Beeswax, Tallow Candles, Dyes, Baking
  • To Market: Goods, Money in the Colonies, Sugar, Spices, Tobacco, Tea
  • Daily Life: Quill Pens, Muster at the Fort, The Post Rider, Winter Party, Fulling Cloth, Childrens Games, Cooking

Written in the form of letters to a fictional friend on the frontier, Mistress Gilgun shars information on all aspects of Colonial life. In her letters, she passes on news and information covering the skills and activities of daily life in 18th century America, as well as entertaining details about the latest fashions and word of goods newly available in the East Cost markets.

BETH GILGUN ANIMATES the mid to late 1700s with her entertaining and informative "letters" to a friend on the frontier. As an accomplished seamstress and goodwife, Gilgun explains th clothing for men, women and children of the 18th century. Included are clear, concise instructions for choosing the fabric and cutting and sewing the garments. She also covers topics such as daily life, housekeeping, sewing skills and news of the latest goods available in the East Coast markets. A GREAT BOOK for reenactors from 1750 to 1840!

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  • Tidings From the 18th Century: Colonial American How-To and Living History

    Beth Gilgun


  • Binding: Soft Cover

    Copyright: 1993

    Pages: 278

    Size: 8.5 x 11 in.

    Condition: New

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