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US Military Flintlock Muskets & Their Bayonets, Later Years 1816-Civil War by Peter Schmidt

US Military Flintlock Muskets & Their Bayonets, Later Years 1816-Civil War by Peter Schmidt

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Table of Contents

The concluding volume of what is now recognized as the most useful reference ever produced on the Flintlock Military Muskets of the United States. In this volume covering the second half of the flintlock era, learn the correct, and incorrect, configurations for these historical longarms. Study the markings and inspection stamps that separate rare muskets from run-of-the-mill examples. Based upon decades of research at the National Archives, this book follows a first volume that covered the years 1790 through 1815. While each book stands on its own, together they chronicle the most exciting story in firearms history, as our national arsenals and private contractors achieved interchangeability of parts and changed manufacturing forever.

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  • U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets And Their Bayonets, The Later Years, 1816 Through The Civil War

    Peter A. Schmidt


  • Binding: Hard Cover with dust jacket

    Copyright: 2007

    Pages: 373

    Size: 8.88 x 11.38 in.

    Condition: New

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