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US Military Patches of WWII by Christopher Brown

US Military Patches of WWII by Christopher Brown

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At last, a superlative and magnificent researched effort that not only defines our hobby, but is also a benchmark book. This literary effort by Mr. Brown surpasses previous offerings, which have tended to identify or catalog (appropriate for the time), or have offered many reproductions in lieu of original insignia. In color plates, the author depicts hundreds of SSIs (patches), tabs and scrolls, as well as chevrons, including SSI reproductions for comparative purposes. Additionally, there are photos and types and countries of manufacture and explanations of definitions, abbreviations, and terms used by both collectors and dealers, and tips on negotiating on-line auctions. Learning how to defeat the reproduction cheats alone is well worth reading.

Mr. Brown's sterling effort to research and document his book is more than equal to the color photographs. Novice and experienced collectors alike will appreciate the skill with which the author weaves together his decades of interviews with veterans, discussions with experienced collectors, previously published materials, and his own personal experiences of collecting.

It cannot be stressed enough that the collector who does not research and apply this research will make financial mistakes, and with the unexpected explosive growth and values of insignia today, these errors could be incredibly difficult to overcome. The information contained will lead to well-schooled collectors.

As the Editor of The Trading Post, the quarterly journal of The American Society of Military Insignia Collectors (ASMIC), I receive many queries concerning patches. These are usually in the form of "how do I tell if it's real or not?" or "is there a book I can buy that tells me about patches?" or "what's a bevo patch?" There are several books, essentially catalogs, or full of reproductions, that are out of publication. They depict but don't define. This book answers so many questions, is so authoritative, so well-written, documented and researched, that I strongly regret not having a book of this caliber when I first started collecting 40 years ago. This is the book everyone wishes should have been written and now through the efforts of Mr. Brown, this is the book every collector needs.

- David A. Kaufman, Editor, The Trading Post

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  • U.S. Military Patches of World War II

    Christopher P. Brown


  • Binding: Hard Cover with dust jacket

    Copyright: 2002

    Pages: 168

    Size: 8.88 x 11.38 in.

    Condition: New

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