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Schiffer Military

Belgians in the Waffen-SS by Rolf Michaelis

Belgians in the Waffen-SS by Rolf Michaelis

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In the years between 1940 and 1945, a total of approximately 12,500 Belgians served in the Waffen-SS, a number roughly equal to the strength of an infantry division in 1944. Because of political and social problems and different objectives of the volunteers, however, the men were not combined in a single unit, rather they were deployed in three different formations. This book describes the major units of the Waffen-SS in which the Belgian volunteers were concentrated, where they were deployed, and the battles they took part in. It also explains the reasons why the men served in three different Waffen-SS divisions.

Over 90 color/bw images

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  • Belgians in the Waffen-SS

    Rolf Michaelis


  • Binding: Hard Cover

    Copyright: 2012

    Pages: 128

    Size: 6 x 9 in.

    Condition: New

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